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A Celebration of Life


In remembrance of

Lois Jeffrey Harvey Pollard

Union Village United Methodist Church

1130 Mountain Avenue

Berkeley Heights, New Jersey 07922




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A Celebration of Life



April 28, 2024

In remembrance of Lois Jeffrey Harvey Pollard


October 8, 1932 - April 23, 2024






WORDS OF GRACE                     REV. YOON SHIN


GREETING                                   REV. YOON SHIN


     HYMN                                          Great is thy Faithfulness                           UMH* #140




SCRIPTURE                                 Isaiah 61:1-3 Matt Mueller


SCRIPTURE                                 Revelation 7: 9-12 Laurel Wilson


HYMN                                          Amazing Grace                                        UMH #378

VS. 1,2 &6


SCRIPTURE                                John 14:1-6                                                 NORA HARVEY


SERMON                                                                                                        REV. ROBERT VIGGIANO


PRAYERS                                                                                                       REV. ROBERT VIGGIANO


READING                                   "HOW DO I LOVE THEE?"                       ANDREW POLLARD

                                                   BYE. B. BROWNING                                  INSERT




     *HIYMN                                       God of The Ages vs. 1                               UMH* #698

                                                  Allegheny College Alma Mater                 INSERT


     DISMISSAL                                                                                              REV. ROBERT VIGGIANO


     RECESSIONAL                         Onward Christian Soldiers                          UMH* #575

                                                             vs. 1, 2 & 5


First inside Page



As you are able, we invite you to stand to praise God.

*UMH – United Methodist Hymnal





The Harvey & Pollard Families would like to

Thank you for joining in celebration of

Lois’s wonderful life




Worship Participation

Pastor: Rev. Yoon Shin

Guest Pastor: Rev. Robert Viggiano

Organist: Jill Crawford

Scripture Readers: Three of Lois’s 9 Grandchildren




Second Inside Page


"Bye - Bye for now.."

Bulletin Insert


"How do I Love Thee?"

Let me count the ways 

by Elizabeth Barrett Browning



How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.


I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, 


when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace.


I love thee to the level of every day's


Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.


I love thee freely, as men strive for right;


I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.


I love thee with the passion put to use


In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.


I love thee with a love I seemed to lose


With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, 


of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.






"Allegheny College Alma Mater"




Fair Allegheny, yonder on the hill,

Through all the years, our hearts are turning still,

In love to thee, and so they ever will, 

Oh Alma Mater, Beatissima!



Warm rest the sun, so soft on wall and vine,

No air in all the world can equal thine,

Again we flame out torches at thy shrine,

Oh Alma Mater, Beatissima!


Union village
united methodist church



1130 Mountain Ave,

Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922

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